“Vaxxed II: Son of Vaxxed” in One Minute

In case you missed it, the merry gang of anti-vaccine warriors have produced yet another piece of filthy anti-vaccine propaganda. As creative as they are, they named it “Vaxxed II.” That’s it. No subtitle. At least all of the Avengers films have subtitles like Age of Ultron or Infinity War. So I’m calling this one, Son of Vaxxed.

Sticking to that lack of creativity, the film is just a mishmash of anti-vaccine testimonials and mishandling of facts. People are put in front of cameras, they talk about what happened after a vaccine, and the production team slickly edits their testimony to fit into the anti-vaccine narrative. As I’ve told you, everything and anything that happens to people happens after vaccination, and this film doesn’t disappoint in delivering that narrative. It doesn’t matter when on how something happened, if it happened after a vaccine, then nothing else but the vaccine caused it.

Never mind we have all of the scientific evidence that these things just happen, and that them happening after vaccination is coincidence. People who are against vaccines in the way that the Andrew Jeremy Wakefields of the world are against vaccines — and pro-revenue and fame — don’t want to hear rational explanations for observed phenomena. You had a blood clot months after getting vaccinated? It wasn’t your overweight, smoking and birth control pills. It was the vaccine you had months ago. Your car crashed and you died in the accident? It wasn’t that you were t-boned by a dump truck. It was the vaccine you took at the doctor’s office that day. And you are one of millions of women who got the HPV vaccine and then developed cervical cancer? It’s not that you are in the risk pool for that particular cancer and had a history of low-grade lesions. No… It was the vaccine.

That’s what Son of Vaxxed is all about, spurious associations between two things — one being vaccines and the other being something bad — and nothing else. It’s all conjecture, conspiracy and correlation explained as causation. It’s the government coming to get you and millions of physicians, nurses and epidemiologists all being controlled (if they’re not coordinated amongst themselves) by a big, international conglomerate of pharmaceutical companies who behave not at all like multinational companies do and compete with each other. No, they are all in it together, because that’s how you make profits: not by unmasking the harm your competitor’s product causes and offering your own alternative, but by writing the evidence of your evil misdeeds in the package inserts sent out with each box of a vaccine.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the “Vaxxed Bus” collapses on itself into a neutron star… The people riding it are really that dense, and we are stupider for watching their sequel.

3 thoughts on ““Vaxxed II: Son of Vaxxed” in One Minute

  1. What is needed is documented a merciful sample of kids dying from SSPE, explaining the cause and course of the disease and its endpoint.
    Drumming in how “harmless measles” essentially formats the immune system’s “hard drive”.

    As harmless as antimatter, a gram of which would double a Nagasaki blast, plus a bit more.
    “Harmless measles”, to some, as harmless as a rabies infection.
    Having witnessed a simultaneous epidemic of measles and polio, I still have nightmares over so many tiny graves.

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