The real threats to public health

I’ve told you before what German measles (Rubella) can do to an unborn baby. Lucky for us, the virus is covered in the MMR vaccine, a very good vaccine with a very good record of safety and effectiveness. We’re also lucky that the virus only has us as its reservoir. Immunize enough of us around the world, and the virus is eradicated. Period.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who more than likely have a mental disorder. Why a mental disorder? Because only psychopaths would knowingly endanger others and knowingly spread rubella (or mumps, or measles). Let me make this clear: Pregnant women have a diminished immune system, and they are very susceptible to these infections. If you spread rubella, or any other thing, you risk killing a child in the most painful way possible. These psychopaths go on social networks and network with each other, agreeing to report to each other if someone in their unvaccinated families contracts measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox. They then coordinate parties to get their children, and each other, exposed to these diseases. In some cases, they even agree to mail each other lollipops that sick children have licked.

It is disgusting, and it is extremely dangerous. Reasonable people see this. These psychopaths don’t. And, yes, I’m using that term to keep myself from calling them other names. Here’s the evidence, off of Facebook:

rubella_1 rubella_2

chickenpox_2 chickenpox_1



I am looking into each and every one of those names there, and I will not hesitate to contact the proper health protection authorities in the places where they live. The threat is just too great.

And, by the way, you psychopaths out there, if you’re reading this, the reason you’re having to resort to these idiotic tactics is because of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

33 thoughts on “The real threats to public health

  1. I just noticed that the Chicago Tribune has an article from 1995 describing a similar service:

    Lily’s parents and the others paid $1.50 to be logged on the Disease Contacts network, a national computerized database of children’s diseases all over the country…. Lesley King, the London homeopath who created the Disease Contacts network two years ago, doesn’t advertise her service.

    Not much new under the sun. (Indeed, Lodwill Sudds tried citing “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” just yesterday.)

  2. Omg…. too bad stupidity wasn’t fatal… that alone would save thousands of lives!!!! (And leave us the orphans to vaccinate)

  3. I’m being lazy here on looking this up, but the few times that anthrax has been sent through the mail for the purpose of hurting the recipient, wasn’t there a hecka big federal response by the FBI to it, for terrorism and crossing state lines, etc? Wouldn’t this apply here as well?

    • Knowingly sending infectious agents through the mail is a Federal offense and prosecutable, unless you have proper licensing and documentation, the mail carrier is aware of the contents of the package and the carrier is licensed to transport infectious material. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, which I’m pretty sure these folks do not have.

  4. Have you ever had the chicken pox and not die?! What a surprise! For four generations- my grandmother to my daughter- aren’t vaccinated! We’ve never had any diseases or viruses other then the pox! I’ve never had the pox even though as a child I went to pox parties- I have immunity! So I think the real physcopaths are the ones who think these vaccines are effective! I bet you doing even know what vaccine shedding is- cause if you did you’d realize vaccinated people usually give the shedding virus to a nonvaxed person. But because your shots are “so effective” vaccinated children usually get the virus too! I left my name up top, my doctor supports the non vaccinated 🙂 do some reasearch before you try and sound smart sweetie

    • Lies. All lies. Vaccinated children do not usually get the the virus too. That’s just an anti-vax talking point. And that whole “we got it and survived” is akin to telling a vet that war isn’t deadly because they survived.

      • Or specifically, bullets aren’t dangerous because you can get shot & survive…..these people are idiots & dangerous…two things that don’t go well together.

    • Pox Parties were only necessary because we didn’t have a vaccine & it was better to catch chicken pox when you were younger… we don’t have to worry about it….so Brie, what do you say to those whose child catching chicken pox & dies because of it?

    • For four generations- my grandmother to my daughter- aren’t vaccinated! We’ve never had any diseases or viruses other then the pox! I’ve never had the pox even though as a child I went to pox parties- I have immunity!

      Four generations of ignorant, scientifically-illiterate selfish jerks is nothing to brag about. Not only that but I highly doubt that measles, mumps and rubella weren’t had by at least those in your illustrious family tree prior to the advent of the vaccines as they are that infectious. How do you know you have immunity to chicken pox?

      I bet you doing even know what vaccine shedding is- cause if you did you’d realize vaccinated people usually give the shedding virus to a nonvaxed person.

      Wrong again, so much for your “research” Brie. The fact is is that very few cases of vaccine shedding occur. The majority of outbreaks and specifically attack rates are primarily in unvaccinated/under-vaccinated.

      But because your shots are “so effective” vaccinated children usually get the virus too!

      Numbers Brie, if you want to talk the talk, walk the walk. Show the numbers that this is true. Hint: It isn’t.

    • “Have you ever had the chicken pox and not die?! What a surprise! ”

      Have you ever had to take care of a six month old baby with chicken pox? I have, and only a very cruel heartless person would want to see a baby suffer so much. And, even worse, since she had it as a baby she has a very high chance of getting shingles while in college, like at a time of stress (like this week, she has finals).

      “What a surprise! For four generations- my grandmother to my daughter- aren’t vaccinated!”

      Why couldn’t Roald Dahl’s daughter, Olivia, have any children. For an answer read the dedication in his book The BFG. Why did Gene Tierney’s daughter not live at home, but in an institution?

      By the way I only found out my mother had two uncles when my cousin sent me our great grandmother’s bible. It turned out both of those uncles died before age seven. Because you aren’t told about the children that died, does not mean they did not happen.

      Be sure to thank your responsible neighbors that protect your family through community immunity by vaccinating their families.

      “I bet you doing even know what vaccine shedding is-”

      Provide verifiable citation that vaccines cause others to get ill due to “shedding.”

      “So I think the real physcopaths are the ones who think these vaccines are effective!”

      Oh, really? Then you’d be sure to answer a question. The following is US Census data on the incidence if measles during the 20th century. You need to tell us why the rate of measles incidence dropped 90% between 1960 and 1970. Do not mention deaths (mortality), do not mention another decade and do not mention another country.

      Year…. Rate per 100000 of measles
      1912 . . . 310.0
      1920 . . . 480.5
      1925 . . . 194.3
      1930 . . . 340.8
      1935 . . . 584.6
      1940 . . . 220.7
      1945 . . . 110.2
      1950 . . . 210.1
      1955 . . . 337.9
      1960 . . . 245.4
      1965 . . . 135.1
      1970 . . . . 23.2
      1975 . . . . 11.3
      1980 . . . . . 5.9
      1985 . . . . . 1.2
      1990 . . . . .11.2
      1991 . . . . . .3.8
      1992 . . . . . .0.9
      1993 . . . . . .0.1
      1994 . . . . . .0.4
      1995 . . . . . .0.1
      1996 . . . . . .0.2
      1997 . . . . . . 0.1

    • Good grief. You really are an ignorant person and a pathetic excuse for a parent. Make certain that your doctor who “supports the non-vaccinated” is aware that you are actively seeking disease vectors for your child and if you successfully infect your child with a vaccine-preventable-disease, will arrange for a play date to infect other children.

      I’ve done my research; have you sweetie?

      • Her “doctor” might be a naturopath who probably still believes in “humors.”

    • @brie

      [citation needed] for your assertions, since they fly in the face of actual science.

    • There is no such thing as vaccine shedding.
      There is viral shedding, which occurs during normal disease transmission and there is live attenuated viral shedding.
      Now, for live attenuated virus, there is oral polio vaccine (OPV).
      For live virus vaccines, there is one, smallpox vaccine, which is vaccinia.
      Now, people who get OPV, they will shed some of the attenuated virus, causing herd immunity. Good deal all around *and* the vaccinated (and their parents or guardians) are warned to keep the child away from the immunocompromised.
      For vaccinia, contact is strongly advised against until the scab falls off. That said, it’s not extremely uncommon for a wife or girlfriend/boyfriend to contract vaccinia from a vaccinated party.
      That said, vaccinia is not a common vaccine, save if one is in the military or working with specialty positions, such as with the CDC abroad. The reason is simple, smallpox is nearly extinct. The only thing keeping it nearly extinct is that several nations retain samples. It’s extinct in the wild.
      Hence, the most hazardous of vaccines ever made and placed into broad use has fallen largely by the wayside.
      We’ll suffice it to say that I have a great deal of education and experience with vaccines, vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
      Brie, you’d change your mind immediately if you were in my boots a handful of years ago. We were responding to a simultaneous outbreak of measles and polio. Many children in the region’s villages died from it, many were crippled.
      Not a one suffered that was immunized. None died from communicable disease.
      Many of us who were there still have tears in our eyes when we remember that terrible time.
      As we don’t have that so much remembering taking two hours to collect dear friends body parts after an IED or RPG killed them, that is saying a whole lot.
      But then, many had children that age. We senior personnel had grandchildren, but we saw our own children in those suffering children.

      • Wzrd1, just for the sake of accuracy, there have been rare occurences of varicella (chicken pox) vaccine viral shedding but has only been documented in immune-compromised. Rubella vaccine virus can be transmitted either in utero or post-natally although there have never been any documented adverse side effects. Live Flu vaccine virus can shed but again, no adverse effects and not a common occurence.

        • Thanks for that clarity. To be honest, I didn’t even think about influenza vaccines, didn’t realize that they’re live attenuated virus.
          Forgot clean about varicella, which is a bit unusual, as I had read up on the vaccine when our children were part of the first widescale testing of the vaccine. Oh well, years can blur things…

    • Absolutely right. Its also terrorism is to take peoples info and spread it on the internet to inflict harm/harassment upon them. This is america. People have the right to vax or not vax. This “blog”is hypocritical at best and domestic terrorism in reality and is run by a person who has a mental illness with too much time on their hands. If any harm comes to any of the people u post to here without their permission, u have led the authorities straight to yr door. I actually vax and I think this is evil. U deserve everything bad that comes yr way. Enjoy yr karma and loser life.

      • Who can argue with someone who doesn’t write in full, coherent words and sentences? But you know what won’t come my way? Vaccine preventable diseases. And, no, you don’t vaccinate. I checked you out and your IP address tells me a lot about you.

      • If a person posts on a social networking site to promote deliberately exposing children to serious vaccine-preventable-diseases, using her actual name, then she is fair game for any science blogger to post her comments.

        Get a life, get a clue and get your children vaccinated, Minerva.

    • I’m glad that the fact that most people vaccinate protected you, your daughter, and others from polio, diphtheria, HiB and so on. You are welcome.
      I’m glad you were not harmed by chicken pox, though your lack of sympathy to those that were is problematic.

  5. Purposely creating outbreaks of diseases that could potentially kill children? Yes, the authorities should be notified immediately.

  6. It is a federal offense to knowingly send pathogen laden lollipops through the mail. The parties are not illegal.

    • It is a federal offense to knowingly send pathogen laden lollipops through the mail. The parties are not illegal.

      That would require a survey of state laws to ascertain. In any event, the “waiver” is toast: special damages accrue to the child and cannot be waived by the parent. Hell, a disclaimer like that may be insufficient for regular damages.

      • It kind of looks like Ohio might have the statutory authority to order quarantine of a person who has offered to spread an infectious disease. This seems to turn on what “a communicable disease declared quarantinable by the board of health” means, which isn’t spelled out anywhere that I can find. It is clear that the department of health is assigned “ultimate authority in matters of quarantine and isolation.”

        • The County health commissioners in New York State definitely have the ability to order a quarantine for patients who knowingly spread certain diseases (tuberculosis, commonly) and who have a history of non-compliance with the drug regimen they are prescribed:

          Click to access PublicHealthLegalManual.pdf

          More appropriate for “Brie” is the action of Public Health of Canada, for patients infected with certain highly communicable diseases, and who knowingly expose others to these diseases:

          Click to access case_7_2_3_e.pdf

        • Pennsylvania used to have such a statute, don’t know if it is still in effect today.
          I learned of it from my mother, when she and her family was placed in quarantine in their own home due to her father’s TB infection.

  7. Absolutely despicable. Good luck in your search for them and I hope the authorities throw the book at them!

  8. These psychopaths are biological terrorists. Why isn’t the law coming down hard on them?

    • for reasons the befuddle me, apparently it’s ok do this if you are doing this to your own child–or to someone else’s child as long as the parent of that child gave you permission.

      • Freedom of choice or some other nonsense.
        What gets me is how they can get away with shipping dangerous pathogen contaminated items and not be charged with a crime. Every person whose mail came in contact with that mail is potentially at risk, especially if they are elderly, extremely young or immunocompromised.
        Indeed, it is worse, in my view, than mailing weaponized anthrax spores, for anthrax isn’t highly contagious, these diseases are.

      • or to someone else’s child as long as the parent of that child gave you permission

        You might want to take a look at Jann Bellamy’s write-up at SBM.

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